Monday, 28 March 2011

Kenali hati, cinta lelaki..........


Dalam persahabatan, segelintir pendapat mengatakan bergaul dengan lelaki sebenarnya lebih mudah berbanding bersahabat dengan golongan Hawa. Mungkin kerana lelaki itu sifatnya mudah bertolak ansur, lebih telus dalam persahabatan atau lebih berterus-terang dan tidak menyimpan perasaan terhadap sesuatu perkara.

Namun dalam soal cinta dan perhubungan serius yang menyangkut soal hati, bagaimana? Seperti kata ahli sosial, jika anda pandai menelusuri hati lelaki, sebenarnya jalan menuju kebahagiaan lebih mudah.

Jika anda ingin mencari cinta sejati, anda sendiri harus mengenali hati dan keperibadian mereka supaya hubungan itu lebih mudah.

Berikut diperturunkan 14 perkara yang bersangkutan dengan golongan Adam supaya anda lebih peka mengenai beberapa perkara mengenali mereka.

Jika ia sesuai dijadikan panduan, terimalah ia dengan hati terbuka. Jika sebaliknya, anggaplah ia sebagai pengisi bahan bacaan anda di masa terluang.

1. Jika anda bertanya lelaki: “Adakah anda cintakan saya?” selepas setahun perhubungan, mereka akan menjawab “Ya, saya cintakan awak”.

Tetapi hakikatnya, mereka masih ada beberapa jawapan lain untuk soalan itu seperti A. “Ya, rasa-rasanyalah” B. “Mestikah saya berkata begitu supaya anda rasa senang hati?” C. “Bergantunglah apa maksud cinta pada pandangan awak” D. “Penting sangatkah?” dan E. “Siapa, saya?”

2. Anda tidak perlu meminta pendapat jujur mengenai diri anda dan anda tidak payah minta dia memberi pujian anda kekasihnya atau gadis paling menarik di dunia ini. Ini kerana apabila terlihat perempuan cantik di hadapannya, dia mungkin merenung hingga terbeliak biji mata.

3. Ada sesetengah lelaki tidak suka aturan hidupnya dirancang kerana baginya, biarlah takdir yang menentukan. Keadaan jadi lebih teruk jika pasangan cuba merancang segala tindakannya. Jika lelaki pilihan anda tidak gemar kehidupannya ditentukan, kaji dulu tabiatnya sebelum anda mengutarakan sebarang cadangan.

4. Lelaki tidak suka dipaksa atau diubah.

5. Lelaki yang gemar merokok pasti mendapatkan habuannya sebatang dua setiap kali selepas makan.

6. Setiap kali anda marah atau naik angin dengan si dia, dalam fikirannya lebih cenderung memikirkan: “Oh, dia ini pasti datang bulan.” sedangkan lelaki tidak sedar dirinya dimarahi kerana perangai atau tingkah lakunya sendiri yang menyakitkan hati.

7. Lelaki tidak berapa suka membincangkan isu pertengkaran dengan pasangannya. Jika dia mahu duduk berbincang, ia hanya sebentar dan dengan segera mahu menutup perbincangan. Beberapa hari berikutnya, dia akan buat-buat lupa.

8. Ada tiga perkara yang boleh membuat lelaki tertekan iaitu duit, kuasa dan seks.

9. Jangan buat lawak bodoh mengenai lelaki di hadapan kawan atau keluarganya. Ada lelaki cepat tersinggung dan menganggap ia satu penghinaan besar malah mungkin satu percubaan mensabotaj nama baiknya.

10. Lelaki cuma suka lafazkan ‘I love you’ pada peringkat awal perhubungan. Apabila perhubungan sudah menjadi semakin intim lelaki lupa untuk mengucapkannya semula sehingga wanita yang terpaksa memberi 10,000 jenis isyarat supaya dia tidak lupa dia masih dan perlu mencintai si wanita.

11. Lelaki suka jika pasangannya bergaya cantik, popular dan menarik perhatian waktu berjalan bersama. Tetapi jika ada lelaki lain yang tertarik dengan teman wanitanya, dia akan menyalahkan wanita dulu kerana katanya “Awak yang kuat melayan”.

12. Jangan kritik muzik, kereta, pasukan bola, motosikal, topi keledar atau apa saja yang menjadi kegemaran mereka.

13. Jangan kritik cara mereka berpakaian, menyapu gel rambut atau menyikat rambut.

14. Lelaki tidak suka diberikan tekanan pada fasa awal perhubungan. Jika dia melarikan diri apabila terserempak dengan keluarga atau sahabat handai anda, maafkanlah dia kerana dia sebenarnya masih belum yakin sepenuhnya.

Cinta, Sayang, Suka & Minat.........

CINTA Kita memang mengharapkan dia menjadi milik kita. Segala apa yang kita buat, kalau boleh dia ingin mengetahuinya dan kita sebaik mungkin tidak mahu menyakitkan hatinya. Kita juga akan sentiasa berfikir tentang dirinya, biar pun sesaat.

SAYANG Kita memerlukan dia dimasa kita mahukan seseorang untuk berkongsi rahsia dan kisah suka dan duka kita. Selalunya kita akan sayangkan seseorang yang menjadi 'telinga' kepada masalah kita.

SUKA Kita sukakan dia kerana dia seorang yang kelakar malahan dia juga happy-go0lucky. Bila bersama-sama dengan dia, kita akan rasa gembira, gelak tawa bersama sampai mahu pecah perut dibuatnya. Tapi, kita tidaklah terlalu merinduinya sekiranya tidak berjumpanya selama seminggu.

MINAT Ada sesuatu pada dirinya yang menarik untuk kita mendekatinya. Katakan, kita suka orang yang tinggi, tegap dan berambut kemas seperti Brad Pitt, sudah pasti kita akan melihat gerak-geriknya. Sekiranya dia pandai melukis, apa shaja yang dilukisnya pasti cantik belaka.

Regular Health Mistakes

All of us make little health mistakes that cause damage to our bodies in the long run - simply because we are unaware we are doing something wrong. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by many of us.
Crossing our legs

Do you cross your legs at your knees when sitting? Although we may believe that this is the lady-like elegant way to sit, sitting this way cuts down circulation to your legs. If you don"t want varicose veins to mar the beauty of your legs and compromise your health, uncross your legs every time you realise you have one knee on top of the other. The best way to sit is to simply place both legs together on the floor, balancing your weight equally. If you feel like changing position, instead of crossing your legs, simply move both legs together to one side. As an alternative, you could also consider crossing your legs loosely at the ankles. This is a classically elegant way to sit, and is far better for your legs and your health than sitting with your legs crossed at your knees.

Not changing our toothbrush

How often do you change your toothbrush? Most of us wait until most of the bristles have either fallen off, or are in such bad shape that we"d be embarrassed to pull out our brush in public. However, since not many of us need to pull out our brush in public, we carry on with our frayed one until we lose it. Replace your toothbrush often. Damaged bristles can harm the enamel, and don"t massage your gums well. If you find brushing your teeth a pain like I do, but know you must do it, you might as well be doing it right. Imagine going through the annoyance of brushing your teeth twice a day only to find out that you"re damaging your enamel every time you clean your teeth. Also, use a brush with soft bristles unless your dentist has advised otherwise.

Eating out often

There are oils that are high in cholesterol, and oils that cause little harm and are better for your heart. However, no matter how light
the oil is, it is never a good idea to eat too much of it. Avoid fried foods.Remember that in all probability your favorite Indian food
restaurant throws a huge, HUGE chunk of butter in a tiny bowl of dal. Rita, who worked in the kitchen of a 5 star hotel, was shocked when she saw the cook chop a 500gm butter slab in half, and throw half into a Paneer Makhani dish. No wonder the customers left licking their fingers. And no wonder they felt so stuffed and heavy afterwards. Limit outdoor eating unless you know that you"re getting served light and healthy food.


Skipping breakfast

Never, ever skip breakfast. Remember, when you wake up in the morning it"s been around 10-12 hours since your last meal. Your body needs food now, more than at any other time. Eat a heavy breakfast. You will then be busy through the day, and the calories will get expended quickly. If you are trying to diet, eat a light dinner. Here are some more common health mistakes we make. Being informed and making a few changes can help make us feel a whole lot better.

High heels
High heels sure look great, but they're murder for your back. This however doesn't mean you should steer clear of stilettos. Wear them, but not when you know you will be walking around a lot. Wear them when going out for lunch or dinner - when the only walking you will be doing is to your car, to the table, and back. Avoid high heels when you are going somewhere on foot. If you are constantly tempted to wear your heels, take a good look at your flats. Is there something about them you dislike? Invest in a new pair of beautiful flats or shoes with a low heel. Buy something you love, that you will enjoy wearing. If possible, get a matching bag. You will then enjoy your flats as much as you do your heels.


Sleeping on a soft bed

You don't have to sleep on the floor be kind to your back, but do make sure you have a firm mattress. Although a mattress on springs is soft and lovely to sink into, it's bad for your back. If you already have an old bed with springs, you don't need to invest in a new one - simply get a thick wooden plank put over the springs, and place the mattress on the plank. Similarly, if your mattress is old and lumpy, throw it out and get a new one. Your neck and your back will thank you. The same rule applies to sofas. If you will be spending hours on a sofa, get a firm yet comfortable one. Sofas you completely sink into are not the best idea.


No matter how comfortable sleeping with ten cushions is, have pity on your neck and resist. Sleep with one pillow, and make sure it is not too thick. If your pillow gets lumpy, discard it and go for a new one. Get a thin pillow if you sleep on your stomach, and something a little thicker if you sleep on your back, to give your neck adequate support.


Not exercising

So all of us know we should exercise more, but many of us don't. This is a health mistake we consciously make! And why is that? Simply because we refuse to admit the damage we are causing to our bodies by not working out. A number of people only start working out once they've experienced a warning signal. Don't wait for a heart attack to strike before you decide to opt for a lifestyle change. Make the change now. You don't need to train for the marathon to be in top shape. Half an hour of brisk walking three to four times a week will make a world of difference to your health. You could then increase this to forty minutes, four times a week - and you're all set. If you haven't exercised for a week, you're making a mistake.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Big Apple & Sushi...........

Donut big apple & sushi adalah makanan kegemaran ku...huhuhu...da lama ak tak makan donut big apple & sushi...rindu nyeee.....huhuhu.....aku mmg addicted la gn donut big apple & sushi.....hahahaha....

Masa ak belajar dulu, bila balik jew dr tempat belajar ke rumah, aku akan singgah beli donut big apple & sushi kt JJ...x kisah la JJ kat mana-mana pown...yang penting, da kedai big apple & sushi....hahahaha.....

Aku neh memang pantang gler la tengok donut Big apple & sushi....hahahaha....sekarang, aku da jarang makan big apple & sushi....huhuhu...cdey cgt2...huhuhuhu..........

Bila ada masa nanti, confirm2 aku akan pergi beli big apple & sushi....hehehe...x sabarnye!!!!


Donut big apple


Thursday, 17 March 2011

Hadiah Cincin Berlian

Seorang isteri merajuk kepada suaminya kerana tidak membelikan kereta sebagai hadiah harijadinya. Tetapi suaminya membelikan cincin berlian yang luar biasa indahnya. Kawan-kawan suaminya merasa hairan dengan pilihan tersebut.

Salah seorang rakan lelaki tersebut bertanya, "Mengapa kamu membelikan isteri mu cincin berlian, bukannya kereta?"

Lelaki tersebut tersenyum dan berkata, "Susah mencari kereta palsu."...

Rizal yang insaf

Kerana sudah berasa insaf, Rizal pergi kesebuah surau untuk mendengar ceramah agama. Ketika tabung derma di edarkan, dia dengan segera membuka dompetnya dan memasukkan RM2 ke dalam tabung derma itu.

Tiba-tiba, seorang pak cik yang duduk di belakangnya menepuk bahunya dan memberikannya duit sebanyak RM200 kepada Rizal. Rizal tersenyum. Dia mengambil duit itu dan memasukkan kedalam tabung derma itu juga. Rizal menoleh dan berasa kagum dengan kemurahan hati pak cik itu . Tidak berapa lama kemudian, pak cik dibelakang Rizal kembali menepuk bahunya dan Rizal mendengar bisikan dari pak cik itu "Encik, kata pak cik tersebut, duit RM200 itu sebenarnya terjatuh dari beg duit encik tadi"....hahahaha

Facebook Security issues......

Facebook is a very popular social networking site, but there are a number of security issues with the site that can put you at serious risk if you aren't careful. The number of facebook account hackings seem to be on the increase (at least I've been getting more bogus messages recently), and this page is in response to a friend who asked what to do after her account got hacked.

While any online account is in danger of being hacked, Facebook has unique features that make this danger even more likely. For one thing, it is very common to post personal information which can be used to steal your identity. But the significant danger is because it is so easy to run malicious programs that can hack your account. In particular, be very careful using any application that asks to access your profile.
Keep in mind that if your account is compromised, not only is your personal information exposed, but the personal information of all your friends as well. So, even if you don't have anything sensitive in your profile information, your friends might. Every time you take one of those quizzes on facebook, you are risking your information and that of your friends.

Facebook Dangers

Personal Information
Facebook has some additional features that make it easier to expose your information. For one thing, you are more likely to include personal information on the web site. Be very careful because this can be used for identify theft. You can also help burglars know when you are going to be away from home for long periods of time ("I'm leaving tomorrow to XXXX for a whole three weeks!").Unconfirmed rumors about someone having their place broken into abound, after they mentioned going away for a long weekend on facebook.
Depending on how much information you put into your profiles, you might be at risk for identity theft. All that is needed to identify a person is their birthday, their sex, and their zip code. If you have your birthday, address, and phone number, you are making it easy for somebody to steal your identity. With that information, people can search various on-line databases to uniquely identify a person. Since most people on facebook use their actual names, that makes identity theft even easier. Don't display your birth year. Just put the city name instead of your actual address; if you live near a large city, then enter that name instead of your actual town. And be careful what you post on your wall. I've seen people put their actual address, their cell phone number, when they were going to be away, etc. on their wall, which is very dangerous.

Friends List
Some people accept any friend request they get, whether they know the person or not. This is a serious problem, since whoever you accept will be able to see all your personal information. They can also see personal information about your friends. So, even if you only accept friends from people you know, if you have a friend that accepts anybody's request, your personal information might be exposed. Make sure your personal settings are restricted to "friends only", not "friends of friends."
Debt collectors have been known to find people who are behind in their debts, send them a friend request, and then start to bother them. If they can't conect to the person of interest, they try to friend their friends. In one case, they friended the person's mother and told them that failure to pay might end up in jail time. A few clever collectors have their profile picture set to a cute young woman in order to get men to accept their requests.

Most employers will search facebook, myspace, etc. to find out more about people applying for a job. So having those embarassing pictures open to the public might prevent you from landing your next job. Do you want your future employer reading your smart aleck comments on your wall?
You can create several different friends lists, and then assign different permissions to each list. This will allow you to accept a friend request and still restrict what they can see. With this arrangement, your close friends can see everything you have on Facebook, but your business or casual friends will only see some basic information. You can read more about managing friends lists.

Another serious danger on facebook are all of the applications. Any application that asks to access your profile information puts your information at risk. What's worse, if any of your friends use those applications, they also put your information at risk, even if you never run an application. Supposedly, these applications only use this feature to put the results and some cute picture on your home page, or help you remember events, birthdays, etc. However, facebook doesn't bother to check any of these applications. There is no rating system, so that you have no idea if the application is safe or malicious.

The ACLU has highlighted these dangers recently by creating their own quiz, which displays all the information that is available to the quiz. It is important to realize that quizzes aren't created by facebook, but by facebook users - any facebook user can create a quiz. Why would you trust an anonymous programmer that you know nothing about with not only your own personal information, but information about all your friends? When you run a quiz, you give the application permission to access anything in your profile, including your friends' profiles. A quiz can do anything you can
do on facebook; actually, even more. And no virus or malware scan will even see any of this, let alone prevent it.

It is important to realize that applications aren't affected by what browser you run or what anti-virus or anti-malware software you run. The damage isn't done on your machine, it is done on the facebook servers. As soon as you run an application, you have given it permission to do anything it wants to any and all of your information, and any information you can see about your friends. And remember, the people who write applications aren't hired by facebook, they are anyone who wants to write an application.

What kind of problems can applications raise?
Photo of the Day
There was one application called Photo of the Day that actually sent your personal information to the author. This was built as part of a research project, and became quite popular, without people knowing that their information was being compromised.
The Danger of Facebook Quizzes
Many people seem to enjoy taking lots of quizzes on facebook. There are several problems with quizzes:  Accuracy - does anyone actually believe those quizzes? Exposure - the authors have access to all your answers and your personal information Control - you are giving the application permission to do things in your name
For example, the article The Danger of Facebook Quizzes gives examples of how quizzes have been used to sell personal information to drug and marketing companies, based on your answers. So if you mention you have trouble sleeping, you might start getting e-mail, junk mail, or even phone calls trying to sell you sleep products.
One quiz asked the names of your pets, kids, spouse, etc. These are what many people use for their passwords. Even if you don't use them for passwords, the information you provide might be used by a malicious person to construct a message using social engineering that looks genuine, but isn't. For example, someone could send something to your friend and mention your brother John, or your dog fluffy, which can cause your friend to think they are talking to one of your friends.

Facebook Fan Check (or Stalker Check)
There are rumors going around that the Fan Check (which used to be known as stalkercheck) is a virus.

REMINDER: Any application that asks permission to access your profile puts your facebook account at risk (and the facebook accounts of all your friends as well.)
However, what is going on might be something different. It might be a fake virus alert to trick you into infecting your computer.

Here is how these kinds of things work:  Somebody starts a rumor that something is actually a virus. They include a link to some site that supposedly "fixes" the virus. The link actually contains malware that will infect your computer.
At this point, there is no proof that Fan Check / stalker check is a virus.
Remember, be *very careful* before installing anything on your computer. This shows how people can be tricked into downloading something to "fix" a problem they think they have, when they are actually infecting their computer with malware.
Any time something asks permission to access your profile, we recommend you say "no". Granted, you won't be able to take the lame quizzes, or stick silly pictures on your page, but at the same time, you are less likely to have your identity stolen or your account hacked. The choice is yours.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


A ! Time it too slow for me baby
Risten thit girl
(Ah Ah) heureuneun nunmure neol jiuryeo hae
(Ah Ah) kkaekkeushage neoui gyeoteul tteonal su bakke

(Ah Ah) neon neomu swipge tteonagaryeo hae

(Ah Ah) yeojal mitjima
Ssaneulhage sigeun moksori geochin ni nunchori
Chadichan mae mareun ipsul

Hey baby say na eotteohge haeya hae eotteohge

Neo dora olsu issgessni
U make me cry (neon)
Naega saraganeun iyu

Jebal nal tteonajima

Just tell me why (why)

Nunmureul dakkajwo malhaejwo I’m so crazy (yeah)

Sorichyeo bulleo (bulleo) keuge oechyeo bulleo (bulleo)

Ige kkeuti aniya neomu apa aiya

Bokbatchyeo bulleo (bulleo) jebal nareul beorijima baby
Oh baby U make me cry yeah
Oh baby U make me cry yeah

Oh baby just tell me why yeah

Oh baby U make me cry yeah
Neon naui jeonbuya dareun namjan aniya
Huhoehago malgeol namanui Yo my girl

Haru haru jinagalsurok apa nan

Deo chameul suga eopseo
Hayahge eoneusae hayahge
Beoryeojin nae moseup silheo

Hey baby say na kkamahge ireohge kkamahge

Da tadeureoman gajanha
U make me cry (neon)
Naega saraganeun iyu

Jebal nal tteonajima

Just tell me why (why)

Nunmureul dakkajwo malhaejwo I’m so crazy (yeah)

Sorichyeo bulleo (bulleo) keuge oechyeo bulleo (bulleo)

Ige kkeuti aniya neomu apa aiya

Bokbatchyeo bulleo (bulleo) jebal nareul beorijima baby
I don’t make me cry (don’t make me cry)
Nunmuri apeul garyeo bol su eopsjanha

Sumi makhyeo ni ireumeul oechyeodo (Oh)

Neon deulliji anhnabwa nan deoisang

Mot chamgesseo I need you in my life

I nunmuri kkeutil su issge nareul gamssa anajullae 
Dasi dorawa julttaekkaji
Nan yeogi seoisseo girl bamnat eopsi

Chingudeureun bichamhade huh it’t OK cause

Nan neo eopsin dugeundugeun ttwideon simjangi

Gudeobeorin maneking cheoreom teongbin kkeopjil

Come back love girl I’m so solly
Ah~ No No No U don’t make me cry (cry) 

Ije ulda ulda jichyeo sseureojyeoman gajanha

Nan gwaenchanha (Ah)

Neo naege dorawajwo eoseo neo I’m so crazy

Sorichyeo bulleo (bulleo) keuge oechyeo bulleo (bulleo)

Ige kkeuti aniya neomu apa aiya

Bokbatchyeo bulleo (bulleo) jebal nareul tteonajima baby
Oh baby U make me cry yeah
Oh baby U make me cry yeah

Oh baby just tell me why yeah

Oh baby U make me cry yeah

Aku Bahagia!!!

  • Skg neh, ak rase bahagie sgt2 cz ak x perlu nk fkr sgt psl "BF"....ble ak fkr psl "BF", ak rse serabut sgt pale ak neh...hahaha...

  • Sejak ak bz, ak x tfkr cgt psl "BF"....ati ak tenang jew & x pernah ak rse setenang cm neh...ak leh wtpe yg ak skew jew tanpa ada yg mghlg ak...lalalala

  • Bile dah tibe masanye, ak akn fkr la psl "BF" neh...wt mse neh, tumpuan ak yg plg penting sekali ialah membina mse dpn ak gn baek...hahahaha...

  • Biarlah owg nk kata ape...jnji paren ak x bising kt ak...huhuhu...ak da tired nk jwb soalan2 yg kwn2 ak slalu tnye...soalan2 nye ialah "BILA NK DEW BF?" & "BLE MAO KAWEN"....hahahaha...

  •  Ak skg, senang & bahagia gn hidop ak....jgn sesiapa pown persoalkn pew yg ak nk wt except parent ak....lalalalala....

Epy sangat2!! hahaha

Public Transport


  • Sebut jew pasal transport awam, kowg taw la pew bnde nye kn...hahaha...if x taw, p buka balik buku sekolah masing2 @ p pinjam buku sekolah adik-adik kowg yg masih bersekolah n then bce yea...muahahahaha!!

  • Ak sebenarnye paling x skew nk menggunakan pengangkutan awam...tapi da tade transport sndri, kena la gne gk transport awam w/pn tade choice laen...hahahaha

  • If naek transport awm, kne la tunggu lebih awal...if x, konpem2 akan lambat punye la...transport awam neh, mse mmg x menentu....if nk kejar mse, mmg x kn terkejar punye la....huhuhuhu

  • Nk dapat duduk dlm  transport awam, payah la except teksi...teksi leh duduk bpe lme pown tp teksi mahal lak...if naek teksi hari2, leh bankrap ak di buatnye...lalalala

  • Menyampah gk la naek transport awam neh cz kne bhadapan gn warga2 asing...da la muka warga2 asing skg cm penyangak....takot ak dwtnye....huhuhuhu...if tade warga2 asing, ak x kisah....bau2 an 2, x payah cter la...mao pengsan dwtnye...hahahaha

  • Bykkn bsbr la apabila anda menggunakan pengangkutan awam...huhuhu...da x taw nk merapu pew...sekian.....!!!!

Eh2...sama lew plak...da cm boria plak...!!!

Smlm, ak gn membe ak yg 2 owg lg pakai pakaian sama kaler lew plak...hahaha...kelakar betol laaaaa... 

dah lew x berjanji ner leh sama, aku pown x taw...maybe kebetulan jew semuanye 2 kowt....tapi ak x kisah pown...lalalalala

semua orang tengok kami....malu lew plak..hahaha...lupe lak nk snap pic bersama-sama time 2...if x, leh la kowg tatap pic kami bertiga...

kaler yg kami pakai ialah putih & hitam....Baju, kaler putih & seluar kaler hitam... ble fikir-fikir balik kn, cm besh lak pakai baju sama kaler...hahahaha....
If pas neh, kami pakai baju & suar sama kaler lg, konpem ak snap pic & show kt kowg k....jz wait jew la yea...hahahahaha...sekian!!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

oh...orang gila!!!

Aku paling x suka bila bertembung gn org gila...bkn pew, takot dye wt pape2 gila neh, dye leh wt mcm2 tanpa dye sedar...mse ak tunggu bus nk balik, da lew 2 org gila neh..yg sowg, leh lak dok tgh2 jln n lintas sesuka ati dye...nasib la x kena langgar gn kereta, motor atau pun bus...huhuhu...da lintas ke sana, leh lak dye lintas blik...pas 2, jln2 kt area ak tunggu bus...even org ramai kat situ, ak tetap takot gk...huhuhu...da lg sowg owg gila....yg neh lg besh...leh lak tadah tangan depan aku n minta duet....dye igt, ak neh cop duet kew r...nk duet, p la minta kt owg laen...bila ak x layan org gila 2, dye blah cm 2 jew...huh...nasib baek...zmn skg, kte kne sentiasa alert walau di mana jua kita berada....yang paling penting skali, keselamatan kita...huhuhu....skg, negara kita dah di banjiri gn mcm2, kne pandai-pandai la bawa diri....sekian!

Monday, 7 March 2011

My Sweet MemoriEs

4 Economy 2

5 Economy 1
Lower & Upper 6 EP 1

Kenangan di zaman waktu sekolah dahulu....kenangan yg paling indah dlm hidup aku....rindu sgt2 nk pergi sekolah balik...huhuhu....pic sek rendah & form 1 until form 3, da, tak dapat la nak tunjuk...huhuhu...enjoy!!! hahahahaha.... ;P

U-Kiss - Shut Up

오빠는 니가 너무 밉다
오빠는 니말 듣기 싫다

Verse 1)
교만한 사랑 따윈 내앞에서 치워
말도 안되는 소리 그만 집어 치워
앞뒤도 맞지 않고 자기 밖에 모르는 걸(Girl)
반복된 그거짓말 이젠 그만 치워


Verse 2)
교활한 입술 따윈 내앞에서 치워
야릇한 눈물 따윈 그만 집어 치워
달콤한 속임수도 더이상은 속지않아
사랑한단 그말조차 이젠 듣기 싫어


Cause your life, Cause your mind,
내 앞에서 사라져 (제발 사라져)
Cause, your life. I'll Just Say
더이상 네가 변할 기대는 절대 못해 Good Bye!

오빠는 니가 너무 밉다
오빠는 니가 이제 싫다

(싫다) (싫다)

왜 자꾸 나를 붙잡으려해
왜 자꾸 눈물은 흘리는데

Yea this is how it goes / Here we go again / Let’s do it
Hey yo check the way that you speak and the way you sound
Being like a freak invading my soul
너는 이제 싫어 Girl you’re pissin me off
난 이제 너 때문에 지쳤어
삐꺽삐꺽삐꺽삐꺽 나나 / 삐꺽삐꺽삐꺽삐꺽 대지
오빤 네게네게네게 지쳤어 너무 / 너무너무 한다 그만 사라져
그만사라져 이제 disappear 그만사라져 Get away 그만사라져
No more lies Get out! (shut out!) get off (shut off!) 시끄러!!

Cause your life, Cause your mind,
내 앞에서 사라져 (제발 사라져)
Cause, your life. I'll Just Say
더이상 네가 변할 기대는 절대 못해 Good Bye! 


왜 자꾸 나를 붙잡으려해
왜 자꾸 눈물은 흘리는데

오빠는 니가 너무 싫다
오빠는 나쁜 여잔 싫다

oppa neun ni ga neo mu mip da
oppa neun ni mal deud gi sil da

Verse 1) 
gyo man han sarang dda win nae ap-eh seo chi weo
mal do an dweh neun so ri geu man jib-eo chi weo 
ap-dwi do mat ji an go ja gi bakk-eh mo reu neun girl 
ban bok dwen geu geo jit mal ee jen geu man chi weo 

si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 

Verse 2) 
gyo hwal han eep-sul dda win nae ap-eh seo chi weo
ya reut han nun mool dda win geu man jib-eo chi weo 
dal kom han sok im soo do deo ee sang eun sok ji an ah
sarang han dan geu mal jo cha ee jen deud gi sil-reo 

si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 

Cause your life, Cause your mind, 
nae ap-eh seo sa ra jyeo (jeh bal sa ra jyeo)
Cause your life. I'll Just Say
deo ee sang ne ga byun hal gi dae neun jeol dae mot-hae Good Bye! 

oppa neun ni ga neo mu mip-da 
oppa neun ni ga ee jeh sil-da 

(sil-da) (sil-da) 

Hook 2) 
wae ja ggu na reul but jab eu ryeo hae 
wae ja ggu nun mool eun heul ri neun deh

Yea this is how it goes / Here we go again / Let’s do it
Hey yo check the way that you speak and the way you sound
Being like a freak invading my soul
neo neun ee jeh sil-reo Girl you're pissin me off
nan ee jeh neo ddae-moon-eh ji chyeo-sseo 
bbi ggeok bbi ggeok bbi ggeok bbi ggeok na na / bbi ggeok bbi ggeok bbi ggeok bbi ggeok dae ji
oppan neh ge neh ge neh ge ji chyeo-sseo neo mu / neo mu neo mu han da geu man sa ra jyeo
geu man sa ra jyeo ee jeh disappear geu man sa ra jyeo Get away geu man sa ra jyeo 
No more lies Get out! (shut out!) get off (shut off!) si ggeu reo!! 

Cause your life, Cause your mind, 
nae ap-eh seo sa ra jyeo (jeh bal sa ra jyeo) 
Cause your life, I'll Just Say
deo ee sang neh ga byun hal gi dae neun jeol dae mot-hae Good Bye! 

si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 
si ggeu reot!! 

wae ja ggu na reul but jap eu ryeo hae 
wae ja ggu nun mool eun heul ri neun deh 

oppa neun ni ga neo mu sil-da 
oppa neun na-bbeun yeo jan sil-da


Oppa really hates you,
Oppa doesn't want to listen to you anymore.

Verse 1)
Throw away that useless love
Throw away your useless words 
Your unmatching stories, your selfish love,
The repeating lies, throw them away

Shut Up!! Shut Up!!
Shut Up!! Shut Up!!

Verse 2)
Take away those teasing lips
Throw away your tears full of hatred and desire
I won't fall for your sweet "I Love You's"
I don't want to hear your fake lies

Shut Up!! 
Shut Up!! 
Shut Up!! 
Shut Up!!

Cause your life, cause your mind
Walk away (Please leave) from me 
Cause your life, I'll just say
I don't anticipate change from you
Oppa really hates you
Oppa hates you now (Hates Hates)

Hook 2)
Why do you keep holding on
Why do you keep spilling tears

Yea this is how it goes / Here we go again / Let’s do it
Hey yo check the way that you speak and the way you sound
Being like a freak invading my soul
I don't like you, Girl you’re pissin me off
I'm tired and sick of you
Creak creak creak creak I, I/ Creak creak creak creak creaking
Oppa's tired of you you you you / You're really too much, disappear
Hurry and leave, disappear, leave my sight, Get away, leave me
No more lies Get out! (shut out!) get off (shut off!) Shut Up!!

Cause your life, Cause your mind
Run away from me (Leave, leave)
Cause your life, I'll just say
I don't anticipate change from you, Good Bye

Shut Up!! 
Shut Up!!
Shut Up!! 
Shut Up!!

Why do you keep holding on
Why do you keep spilling tears
Oppa really hates you
Oppa doesn't like bad girls

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Kursus Program Keusahawanan

Mizz sgt2 kt budak-budak group aku & peserta2 yg mengikuti kursus neh...huhuhu....ntah ble thn dpt jmpe, x tahu la....huhuhu....masing-masing dah bekerluarga & ada kjew masing-masing....byk kenangan manis & pahit ak d'kursus neh....lg pown, ak da lost contct gn yg laen2...yg still contct pn, sowg jew la..huhuhu...ble nk g pahang blik, x tahu la....hahaha... ;))


budak2 group aku

us with k.sarah yg sgt comey

neh semua peserta kursus

peserta kursus lagi

pic candid group aku!

I Love You

I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your style
But that’s not why I love you

And I, I like the way
You’re such a star
But that’s not why I love you
Do you feel, do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel, too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?

You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I love you
I’m not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I love you

I like the way you misbehave
When we get wasted
But that’s not why I love you
And how you keep your cool
When I am complicated
But that’s not why I love you......

I Always Love U

Saturday, 5 March 2011

KK Home Deco (Member's Day)

2day, ak 4llow my mom g KK Home Deco after survey Jalan kt KL...ari neh, dowg wt sales besar-besaran....jz 4 member's only...da name pown member's mom, pantang tgk bnde cantek2 n murah...konpem2 nk borong....hahaha...besa la 2, name pown pompuan....if x memborong, memang tak sah...hahaha....kedai KK HOme Deco neh banyak barang gmbr bunga...kepada sesiapa yang minat decoration english, mmg sesuai sgt2 la cari brg2 deco kt kedai KK Home Deco neh....Me & my mom g KK Home Deco yg kt wangsa maju jew....huhuhu...kt bwh neh adalah antara barang2 yang terdpt kt KK Home Deco....if nk taw details ttg Kedai KK Home Deco neh, jz log on dowg punya website...enjoyyyy!!!! huhuhuhu...

Avril Lavigne 4th Album

List of Track :

1. Black Star
2. What The Hell
3. Push
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Smile
6. Stop Standing There
7. I Love You
8. Everybody Hurts
9. Not Enough
10. 4 Real
11. Darlin
12. Remember When
13. Goodbye
14. Alice

Finally, her new album out on 8th march 2011.....i love all da song in her new album...all the fella's out there who fanatic bout diz girl, plz buy her new album "GOODBYE LULLABY" at the store rite now...must buy original her...I LOve AvrilLavigne!!! ;))

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Lady Gaga - Born This Way

It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
'Cause you were born this way, baby

My mama told me when I was young
We're all born superstars
She rolled my hair, put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir

"There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are"
She said, "'Cause He made you perfect, babe"
"So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far,
Listen to me when I say"

I'm beautiful in my way,
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
(Born this way)

Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way)
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born this way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Don't be!

Give yourself prudence and love your friends
Subway kid, rejoice the truth
In the religion of the insecure
I must be myself, respect my youth

A different lover is not a sin
Believe capital H-I-M (hey, hey, hey)
I love my life, I love this record and
Mi amore vole fe yah

I'm beautiful in my way,
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Ooo, there ain't no other way

Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way )
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

( Queen ,
Don't be , Queen )

Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Whether you're broke or evergreen
You're black, white, beige, chola descent
You're Lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
'Cause baby, you were born this way

No matter gay, straight or bi
lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
chola or orient made
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to be brave

I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, yeah!

Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
(Born this way )
Ooo, there ain't other way
Baby, I was born this way
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way, hey!

I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey!
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way,hey!


Rancangan Adam & Hawa d'TV1

Ustaz Zawawi & Osman Affan sbg panel rancangan Adam & Hawa

Pagi tadi, ak sjew jew layan rancangan Adam & Hawa kt TV1....Rancangan ini mengupas pelbagai topik tentang lelaki & perempuan....boleh dikatakan, tiap2 minggu ak x prnh lps la tgk rancangan neh....diz week punye tajuk adalah "ANDARTU @ ANDALUSIA"....tajuknye agak menarik gk la....Pengacara rancangan ini ialah Aida & Khairy.....Ahli penal tetap ialah Ustaz Zawawi & panel undangan rancangan ini ialah Osman Affan....banyak ilmu yang ak dapat daripada menonton rancangan ini....Antara faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya andartu ini ialah cerewet dlm memilih pasangan hidop, lebih menumpukan pada kerjaya, tidak percaya dgn institusi kekeluargaan, jodoh belum sampai, mereka fikir boleh hidop sendiri tanpa bantuan lelaki, berminat untuk mengumpul harta dahulu & lain-lain lagi.....perempuan sekaanrg, ramai yang berpelajaran tinggi & pandai dlm semua aspek....2 yang masing-masing lebih senang menepikan hal kawen & lebih memikirkan perkara laen..... Aku agree gn pendapat yg di katakan oleh panel-panel x semuanye la....masing-masing mempunyai pendapat, marilah kita fikir-fikirkanlah yea.... ;)!!!

Pagi td, masa ak nk sidai baju kt ampaian, ak ternampak lubang besar kt pagar belakang rumah ak....pencuri dah potong pagar dawai 2 & terbentuk la lubang yang agk besar....ak rase, kejadian neh terjadi mlm semalam.... pagar dawai umah jiran ak pown kena potong gak....mlm neh, kena berjaga-jaga la...kowt2 la pencuri tu potong pagar dawai yang telah di tutup oleh parent aku siang td....jiran ak pown x perasan yg pagar dawai rumah dye kena mom yg beritahu kt dowg...siang2 td, ak nk kuar umh pown takot....bukan pew, kena berhati-hati jew...takot bende laen lak jadinye....yang paling penting sekali, wt masa neh, tade pape2 brg yang hilang lagi..... hope sgt2 pencuri 2 x dtg lg mlm neh....if dye dtg lg n tebuk lg pagar dawai 2, konpem2 ak x akn kuar umh....kt area umh ak neh, x kira pg, petang @ mlm, dew jew pencuri yg masuk...rumah jiran belakang rumah aku neh, da berapa kali pencuri masuk....macam2 cara dowg gunakan untuk merompak.... kebanyakkannye penagih dadah & pendatang asing yg wt kjew2 cm neh.....pew la nk jd gn dowg dowg masih lagi berani buat kjew2 cm 2....huhuhu...hairan2....rondaan rukun tetangga dah di buat....ntah laa....



Tuesday, 1 March 2011

My project Management

tag my group..create & design by mantoya

Bila tgk tag neh jew, teringat mse wt project managemnet dulu...huhuhu...anyway, ak enjoy wt project neh gn member-member ak even byk kenangan manis & pahit....budak-budak group ak terdiri daripada khuzaida, nadia, masidah, aku, siti & huda....(if x silap ak la)...ak pown igt-igt2 lupe jew....mne yg namanye tade, ak minta byk2 yea...project management yg group ak wt ialah extreme power teen's8...kte owg wt project neh kt sg congkak, hulu langat, selangor....kami wt aktiviti dlm air n msuk hutan....dlm aktiviti2 yg kami wt, ak plg suke msk aym & telur dlm buluh...pergggghhhh!!! besh gler....1st time kowt ak wt cm 2....huhuhu...picture mse kt program ak 2, smuanye dlm lak nk scan satu persatu picture nye....byk sgt....hahaha..tgk tag, sudah la yea...time wt project neh gk, da sowg bdk group ak ske cari psl gn ak....ak x kaco die pn....x abes2 nk cari gdo gn ak...siap perli2 lg btoi ak nk lyn gn owg cm neh...ikut ati, mmg nk pukul jew owg cm 2...ble fkr ttg parent ak, mls la...buang masa jew....2 cter lama...da malas ak nk igt lg...biarlah ianye mjd rahsie ak gn bdk2 group ak...huhuhu.....~tenkiu~

Pulut mangga

Pulut Mangga

ari neh, 1st time dlm idop ak mkn pulut mangga....hahaha...rse nye not bad la but ak x leh mkn byk2 la....nk termuntah kowt...myb ak x besa lg....owg belah pantai timur, da besa mkn bnde2, dowg tarak hal la if sumbat byk2 pown...huhuhu...kt bwh neh, da resepi pulut mangga..if kowg nk cube wt, sila2 kanlah..huhuhu

Resipi Pulut Mangga
  • 240gram beras pulut
  • 250ml santan
  • 1 sudu teh garam
  • 1 biji mangga masak (dihiris)
  1. rendam beras pulut semalaman
  2. kukus beras pulut hingga masak ( 25 minit )
  3. kemudian, masukkan pulut yang sudah masak ke dalam bekas dan campurkan santan bersama dengan gula dan garam. gaul hingga rata
  4. kukus sekali lagi hingga gula meresap ke dalam pulut
  5. alihkan beras pulut ke dalam bekas dan campur dengan santan. gaul rata
  6. kukus sekali lagi untuk seketika
  7. sedia untuk dihidangkan bersama dengan mangga
Nota: Kita cuma tanak pulut macam biasa. Santan kita masak asing campur dengan gula dan garam. Bila pulut masak, gaul dengan santan dan terus hidang. Makan dengan mangga dalam tin dan juga gula perang :)

My Hamster